Tham khảo Công_lý_khí_hậu

  1. Global Humanitarian Forum (1 October 2009) Kofi Annan launches climate justice campaign track, Global Humanitarian Formum, 1 October 2009.
  2. Wendy Koch, Study: Climate change affects those least responsible, USA Today, March 7, 2011
  3. Africa Speaks up on Climate Change This appeal states: "In wealthy countries, the looming climate crisis is a matter of concern, as it will affect the wellbeing of the economy. But in Africa, which is hardly contributing to climate change in the first place, it will be a matter of life and death."
  4. See, for example the Climate Justice Programme's Climate Law Database.
  5. 1 2 Black 2005, tr. 19.Lỗi sfn: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFBlack2005 (trợ giúp)